Stay Tuned for 2025 Dates and Locations


William Drier

William Drier

Policy Manager | Electrification Coalition

Will Drier is a policy manager at the Electrification Coalition (EC), where he conducts research and analysis to help leaders create ambitious policy opportunities to advance the EV market. Prior to the EC, Will worked as a consultant with Guidehouse Insights where he led the Commercial Transportation Electrification research suite, providing qualitative and quantitative market analysis and technical insights. Will has a Master of Public Administration from the University of Colorado Denver, and a Bachelor of Science in environmental sciences from the University of Idaho.

Upcoming and recent sessions

Going ZEV: How to Navigate Local, State, and Federal Grants

September 10, 2024
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM (ET) || Vanderbilt Ballroom

Navigating the grant process for ZEV can be complicated for the uninitiated. Join this region-specific seminar to understand where your fleet stands so you can act now, not miss a crucial deadline, or leave money on the table. More Info