From the Trenches: Medium & Heavy-Duty EV Lessons Learned

June 12
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Madeo Ballroom

David Renschler
City of Fairfield CA

686 kWh batteries? We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Fleeting medium- and heavy-duty EVs requires massive power, sophisticated infrastructure buildouts, and dedicated internal and external partners. David Renschler has been there. He’ll bring his 30 years in fleet management and his real-world, heavy-duty game plan to this seminar. David will discuss the buildout of charging infrastructure for heavy-duty applications, managing multiple utilities, and considerations around mobile charging and microgrids. He’ll also discuss the electrification of off-road equipment and how to manage electricity as a fuel. And yes, he’ll share what it takes to manage EVs with 686 kWh batteries.